About the CSC
There’s Something for Everyone at the CSC!
The Comprehensive Service Center (CSC) is a one-stop support and referral service funded by the Hawai‘i State Legislature and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation through a contract with the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Center on Disability Studies (CDS).
Our mission is to provide comprehensive, accessible services that address the diverse needs of individuals with hearing loss, their families, and the broader community. Through a range of programs and events, including academic offerings, workshops, peer support groups, and accessibility initiatives, we create an environment where every individual is valued, respected, and encouraged to participate fully.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Closed Holidays
Contact Us
E-mail: csc@csc-hawaii.org
Phone: (808) 369-0499
Videophone: (808) 447-2044

Center on Disability Studies
The Comprehensive Service Center (CSC) is supported by the University of Hawaii at Manoa Center on Disability Studies. CDS is a UH Board of Regents approved research center and a charter member of the Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD). Learn more about the Center on Disability Studies