DVR Employment Support
Are you ready to work? Sign up with DVR today!

DVR refers clients to the CSC for a variety of services and support. Here are some of the classes and services we offer:
- Basic Computer Skills
- Driver’s Education (Written Prep Only)
- English
- Financial Literacy
- Job Exploration/Site Visits
- Job Readiness (Resume, Applications, Interview Prep, etc.)
- Math
- People Skills
- Self Determination
- Stress Management
- Workplace Communication
- Youth Leadership Camp
- (Deaf-Blind Only) Haptics
- (Deaf-Blind Only) Support Service Provider (SSP)
- (Deaf-Blind Only) Tactile ASL
Do you see something that interests you on the list above? If you do, contact your DVR counselor and ask to be referred to the CSC.